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A tool to observe and act before the psychosis strikes.



You are the spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt or friend.

You are concerned about one relative.


You are a professional who works with youth in the social services or educational network.

You are concerned about the mental health of a young person you know.


You are young and you wonder why your friend, your brother, your sister, or even your classmate behaves strangely.

Less than 30 years old? More information here.

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What is the refer-O-scope ?



Odd behavior




This tool allows you to observe and act before psychosis strikes by helping you spot the precursors of the illness, which in turn can minimize its adverse effects.

The refer-O-scope is a questionnaire that gathers information on family history, drug consumption, risk factors and any changes in functioning. The tool also provides general information about psychosis, a glossary of mental illnesses, and a list of health care and support centres.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will receive a recommendation that will help you explain the situation to a health care professional.

Both prevention and early intervention decrease the risks that psychosis will develop.

This tool is yours. Make it work for you! Less then 30 minutes to understand and to help.

What is psychosis ?

A realization of

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With financial support from

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Realized by

LBA Créations

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